Utah disposes of 275 cases of beer worth nearly $18,000. Why? Because the law says so.
North Salt Lake • The state agency charged with distributing and selling alcohol in Utah has disposed of thousands of gallons of drinkable beer worth almost $18,000.
On Friday — which was the unlucky 13th for people who hate to see beer get tossed — the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control transported 275 cases of bottles and cans from its Salt Lake City warehouse to Wasatch Resource Recovery in North Salt Lake. The products, DABC officials say, could no longer be sold in state-run liquor stores because of a new law that took effect in November.
Once the DABC shipment arrived, crews at the Davis County facility put the glass bottles through a depackaging process, sending the liquid ales and lagers into an aerobic digester — where they will mix with other food waste — and eventually be turned into natural gas and fertilizers.